Kat on the Beach

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Katerine but you can call me Kat. I grew up in a small village in the Dominican Republic until the age of eight, when I moved to NYC. I lived in NYC until I went to college at the University of Pennsylvania where I studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. After college I moved to San Francisco to start my job as a business strategy consultant. I did that for about two years and now I live in Oakland and work in business operations and strategy for a technology company.

I like to run marathons, teach and practice hatha and vinyasa yoga, dance salsa, go on strenuous hikes, drink delicious herbal and green teas, read fiction books, watch documentaries, and travel to new places in order to broaden my understanding of the human condition.

A theme that has driven my life thus far is the desire to learn: about the individual but also about communities and cultures. I am fascinated by political macroeconomics, migration, holistic approaches to well-being, culture & globalization, and climate change. I have lived in Brazil and India and while interning in India I gave my first attempt at traveling blogging. Outside of that I have traveled to over 20 countries in different capacities.

My writing is mostly reflective of my experiences as a twenty-something-year-old curious person in the world. This blog is meant to be a medium to share the random ideas or thoughts that run through my head and I think are worth sharing. However, there is more or less some organization. I’ve divided this blog into three categories: wellness, travel and everything else. I hope you enjoy it and reach out if you want to chat, as I consider myself a fine conversationalist.